Horumar Relief and Development Association (HORD)

HORDA is a non-governmental, non political and not-for-profit organization. It was established in the year 2012 by concerned professionals and traditional elders within the different communities in the region.


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IHORDA is a non-governmental, non political and not-for-profit organization. It was established in the year 2012 by concerned professionals and traditional elders within the different communities in the region. This organization was solely established to treat issues such as humanitarian affairs, peace and reconciliation, gender equity, culture and social service, as well as other developmental aspects of humanitarian issues specifically for women and children in the whole region who are
HORDA has its main office in Garowe, with other sub-offices in Mugadishu and Lasanod.

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The mission of the organization is to encourage peace, democracy and human rights amongst the different communities in the region. The organization is also credited to work with all segments of the regional society in the sectors of livelihood programs, education, health, water & sanitation through bottom-up awareness building approaches. To work towards promoting peace, stability and development through education, health water and disaster preparedness. Established enhancing strategies of supporting and elimination of poverty among communities through training, capital investments and awareness building.

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The main object of the organization is to build relief and resilience at the community level
through enhancement of Health, nutrition, access to safe water and sanitation services, pastoral
livelihoods, Environmental programs, gender and protection and promote education especially
for the girl chil.

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 Climate change is the world’s newest threat, and drought and floods are a classic sign. Given Government is still constrained to institute formal systems to oversee the conservation of the environment, degradation remains inevitable


The sector despite its critical significance faces a spectrum of challenges, the lack of fees payment capabilities by most of the poor community and the lack of school programs like feeding and recreation facilities encourage the less development in the education sector

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 A healthy population is a productive population. HORDA hopes to complement existing players in the provision of quality and comprehensive health care to communities in Somalia. This includes provision of psycho-social therapy for traumatised people. 

Projects Completed
Years of experience
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